Maternal Minimum Dietary Diversity by Equity Quintile
From 2017 to 2022, considerable progress was achieved in both the highest and lowest Equity quintiles. However, despite these advancements, the gap between these two quintiles remained unchanged between 2017 and 2022.
Maternal Minimum Dietary Diversity by Caste / Ethnicity
Between 2017 and 2022, both marginalized as well as Brahmin and Chhetri communities experienced remarkable progress, with the former progressing by 11 percentage points and the latter by 10 percentage points. As a result, there was a slight narrowing of the gap between these two groups.
Maternal Minimum Dietary Diversity by Agro-Ecological Zones
Between 2017 and 2022, significant progress was observed in all three agro-ecological zones. The mountain region achieved the most substantial increase of 19 percentage points, while the terai region showed the least progress, with only an 8 percentage point increase during the same period. Consequently, due to the different rates of progress, the gap between the mountain region and the other two regions has widened considerably.


4 percentage point increase in the number of mothers of children under two consuming animal source food like eggs and meat


22 percentage point increase in the number of households, with a homestead garden that met the minimum criteria set by Suaahara


Number of months the kitchen gardens provide enough nutritious vegetables to feed the family.