Exclusive Breastfeeding by Wealth Quintile
Between 2017 and 2022, exclusive breastfeeding rates decreased in both the lowest and highest equity quintiles. Despite the decline, the prevalence of breastfeeding remains higher in the lowest equity quintile.
Exclusive Breastfeeding by Caste/Ethnicity
Between 2017 and 2022, there was a concerning trend in exclusive breastfeeding rates among marginalized communities, with a decrease of 23 percentage points. In contrast, Brahmin and Chhetri communities witnessed an increase of 17 percentage points in exclusive breastfeeding during the same period.
Exclusive Breastfeeding by Agro-Ecological Zones
Between 2017 and 2022, the prevelance of exclusive breastfeeding varied significantly among regions. The mountain region witnessed an impressive 15 percentage point increase, while the hill and terai regions faced concerning 7 and 16 percentage point decreases, respectively. As a result of these divergent trends, the gap between the agro-ecological zones has widened.


34 percentage points increase in the number of mothers of children under two meeting Suaahara’s frontline workers


38 percentage points increase in the number of mothers of children under two participating in Suaahara’s community activities


33 percentage points increase in the number of mothers of children under two listening to the radio show Bhanchhin Aama